28 January, 2010

College Newsletter Analysis - Existing Front Page

This analysis serves as research towards creating my own version of a school newsletter. Clicking the above thumbnail will maximize the image.

Key Terms - Magazine Layouts

House Style: A magazine's distinctive design that distinguishes it from its competitors.

Banner: Text which stands out on a coloured background - normally situated at the top of the page.

Masthead: The actual name of the magazine.

Headline: Catchy Title for the main article.

Motto: A memorable phrase that is recognisable to a particular brand.

Strap Line: Also known as a slogan.

Pugs: These are placed at the top right and left corners of the page and are known as the 'ears'. Examples of content that is placed here is the price of the product, the logo or a promotion.

Copy: The Main Story in the Magazine.

Puffs: Boxes that promote features found inside.

Sell Lines: Persuasive text on the front cover that helps to sell the magazine to the audience.

Anchorage Text: Text that helps pin down the meaning of a picture (and vice versa).

Caption: A clear description of an image.

Buzz Words: "Free", "Exclusive" and "Wow" are all examples. They attract the readers attention.

Drop Capitals: Really big letter that starts off an article.

Lead: The introductory paragraph of an article. This is Usually written in bold or CAPITALS.

25 January, 2010

Audience Expectations - Magazine Questionnaire

I have now completed my magazine questionnaire; created to gather general information relating to magazines and why people buy them, I will use the results to contruct my own magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread as close to my intended audience as possible.

Please fill out my questionnaire so that I have as big a pool of results as possible.

20 January, 2010

Chosen Genre: Metal

I have decided to choose metal as the genre to base my magazine on. This is because I have several friends who attend Deyes High that are actually in their own metal band. I can use the cameras supplied by the school to take the original images required.

The following are typical photos you would see of a metal band:

18 January, 2010

Coursework To-Do List

To complete my AS Media Studies coursework I must complete the following tasks:

  • Analyse an existing college magazine
  • Produce images for my own version of a college magazine
  • Post my finished and evaluated College Magazine

Music Magazine Project

  • Choose my genre of music
  • Set up an online questionnaire
  • Research my target audiences expectations
  • Analyse two music magazine front covers
  • Analyse two music magazine content pages
  • Analyse two music magazine double page spreads
  • Post mood boards for my genre, costume and mise en scene
  • Research what Institutions publish music magazines